Yarden Meir

National Teamrider.

Instagram. @el_duderino91
Year of birth. 1991
Height. 180 cm
Weight. 73 kg
Hometown. Eilat, Israel
Home spot. Riff Raff Beach
Sponsors. Goya ,Ocean Nation, Gul
What makes your ride? Having everything tidy and new, with great colour fits. Making sure everything rigged correctly.
What is your most memorable session? The conditions, My friends, Those moments that you feel like you are the winner for making it to the beach on a busy, windy day. And those moments that you land a sick move or crash really hard . and you get this unique adrenaline rush and say to yourself “That’s what I live for.”
What’s your magic gear and when did you realize it? Cypher 4.0 and Air 86 I realized it the moment I beach started.
Dream trip. Private yacht, all my best friends on it, starting at Socotra, stopping in Indonesia, short stop in Vietnam, then Taiwan, then Japan, then Solomon Islands, Fiji, Maui, then Mexico, and then Gorge river for a sweet ending. I could go on but my friends won’t join me for that long.