Luc Guidroz

National Teamrider.

Instagram. @luc_guidroz
Hometown. Paia
Home spot. Hookipa
Sponsors. Goya
A few words about yourself. Energetic, amped, stoked.
What makes your ride? The freedom of windsurfing and it’s an escape from school stress.
How much do you love to windsurf? Windsurfing has become a big part of my life and it means everything to me.
What is your most memorable session? The first time I windsurfed at Hookipa.
What inspires you? Watching Levi and Brawzinho at hookipa.
Describe your gear and the conditions you use it in. I have a 3.0 and 3.5 scion and a 3.7 banzai. I have a custom 52 liter quatro board. I use my gear in waves. Riding for Goya makes my sessions more meaningful and makes me want to represent the company the best I can.
What does riding for Goya mean to you? Riding for Goya makes my sessions more meaningful and makes me want to represent the company the best I can.